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You have the right
to blow the whistle

What is a whistleblower?

A whistleblower is someone who reports something that is not going right in the operation, such as serious irregularities or misconduct at a workplace or in an organization. The whistleblower function is there for you to be able to sound the alarm, anonymously if you wish, without putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation at work.

Who can report? 

The whistleblower function can be used by employees, workers, and hired staff. This also includes interns, consultants, and other individuals who perform work in the organization.

How does one report?

Those who wish to report can use our Whistleblower function which is available both on our external website and on our intranet. The person reporting always has the option to keep their identity secret.

If you want to report a misconduct, you can do this by using the button below.

Protection for the person reporting

The person reporting is protected by law (2021:890) on the protection of persons reporting misconduct. The law prohibits Candles, as an operator and employer, from hindering or attempting to hinder reporting or taking reprisals against the person reporting.

How is the report handled? 

The reporter will receive a confirmation of their report and information about the measures planned and/or taken. The Whistleblower function investigates and handles all reports fairly, quickly, and confidentially as far as possible. Investigations should be done promptly and within a period of two weeks, a decision on dismissal or continued handling must be taken. 

The length and scope of the investigation will depend on the nature of the case. An initial step is carried out to decide whether there is a basis for continuing the investigation or if there is no basis for continuing the investigation because the report, for example, is based on incorrect information. The case is handled by an external independent party.

Report to competent authorities through an external channel 

An external reporting channel is a channel established by an authority to handle reports of irregularities and problems within the authority’s area of responsibility. It covers misconduct in both public and private companies. If the person reporting does not believe that an internal reporting channel would handle the case objectively and factually, an external reporting channel can be used.

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